...I'm considering something completely insane. Something absolutely illogical... I'm half Deaf with slow hearing loss, and I am actually considering trying to learn spoken German. As if spoken English wasn't hard enough...I'm thinking about trying to learn another spoken language.
To be honest, I have good reason, since I know so many people who speak German, and we have close connections with a church in Germany. What I'm really wanting to learn German Sign language, but I don't know anyone who knows it! So I'm actually tempted to go for spoken German. I must be NUTS.
But imagine being able to say I'm half Deaf, and am losing my hearing, but I still know three different languages, two of which are spoken. Wouldn't that be AWESOME??! Sort of like, "Can't stop me now! I might be Deaf but I can still speak more languages than most Americans!"
But then again, it's completely illogical. I'm half Deaf! It's going to be a royal pain!
And....I'm arguing with myself right now! I need someone to be a tie breaker! What do I dooooo??